Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Out With The Girls Again!

It is so nice to out with my girlfriends again. This past week has been man-hell... It has been months since I have spent that much time in guy mode. I was really getting depressed. Thank God for my sisters! We went out to a nice little bistro for dinner and girl talk. My foot is still jacked up from the trip so I had to wear my little white tennies. I tried to wear some cute flats but my foot so still so swollen, the tennies were the only shoes I could get into! I am a high heel girl! I like flats, but I prefer heels any day. I am so depressed about it. My friend Michelle had a similar problem with a foot injury. So being a high heel girl herself we joked about wearing our "comfortable" (A.K.A. lesbian) shoes! Because of my limited shoe choice I went more casual than normal. striped racer back tee with a new light grey cable knit sweater and grey knit pants with the white tennies. Being a guy is so secondary now that it feels strange to be dressed in men's clothing! Even going to work I feel uncomfortable wearing my male work clothes.This week was very hard on me. Its really not who I am anymore. I love being one of the girls!

I took the past two days off to rest my foot and tomorrow its back to the salt mine for this girl. We have picked the location for next weeks GNO and I cant wait! I am going to see a movie with my girlfriend Kelly on Thursday as Candice. I need to make up for this past week of overt maleness! Like I said in my last post; I would skip a guys night out any day for a night with my girlfriends. If I am not working Saturday I will get to spend the weekend as Candice! Otherwise I still have all day Sunday to just be my female self.

Next GNO I will bring up our purposed girls weekend trip to Vegas. OMG, that would be so much fun and a dream come true for this girl! It s not really about Vegas. Its about being together with my girlfriends. Its another stepping stone in my development as a woman. I love the fact that I am not seen as a guy anymore when I am out with them as Candi. As a side note I have been off my feet for three days with this foot problem and today was the first time I have had a chance to shave my legs! My goodness it felt soooo good! smooth legs are nice! Body hair is gross. I wish I could be naturally hairless from the ears down!

Its good to be home and good to have my girl on! I love you all!


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